Traceability of components is one of the fundamentals of the UJC product and as any effective QA system, is assured in the supply and implementation of the technology. For the supply of UJC products, each individual UJC member, as suppliers of the KITs, maintains an effective traceability system for material, manufacturing and inspection records, traceable from the KIT number and unique serial number including on the KIT box labelling. In addition each separate part included within the kit has traceability labelling which allow for the same records to be retrieved.  As such, users of the UJ technology can put in place as well a system that records the sealed KIT’s serial number or details of unkitted piece parts used, through their own QA organisation. Establishing the traceability system in inventory is kits owner’s responsibility. For any enquiry on a KIT’s traceability records the provider of the kit should be contacted in the first instance giving the KIT and serial number. Where the supplier is not known the coordinator should be contacted.