Ribbon splicing is not an approved UJ process and, if used, would be at the users own risk.
The typical application of the LFES is the end sealing of a cable against water ingress during an ongoing installation operation and to enable optical and electrical testing of the system. It is designed with an operational life of approximately three months, depending on application, when the cable deployed is positively charged, The UJ LFES does not provide protection when negatively charged. The UJ Consortium is developing options for LFES for applications where there is a requirement for an extended, possibly indefinite, period of protection. A UJC Bulletin will be issued to announce its availability when the development is complete.
The UJC does not supply attenuators. When required, these are to be supplied by the cable manufacturer or system supplier. The UJ Consortium does not take responsibility for the long-term reliability of any third-party supplied attenuators that may be installed in the UJ. Any attenuator to be installed in a UJ requires prior confirmation, by the UJ Consortium design authority who has qualified the cable type, that the attenuator can be physically accommodated within the UJ.
The number of attenuators that can be installed in the UJ will depend on the cable type, the number of fibers it contains and the dimensions of the attenuator body. Please contact a member of the UJ Consortium who will assess your requirement to determine if your particular application can be accommodated and, upon completion of any necessary qualification, incorporated into the UJ Construction Manual.
The Universal Joint is currently qualified to a operating voltage, subject to the limits of the cables connected, and based upon the use of Common Component Kit KIT09002 or KITH9002. Joints using Common Component Kit KIT09001 were qualified to 10kV subject to the limits of the cables connected. It is necessary to refer to the relevant Qualification Test Certificate or Report to verify the test voltage used in the qualification of any given cable-cable joint combination.